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For your entertainment and enlightenment, reasonably priced for Kindle and in Quality Paperback at Amazon.com

beginning with works by David A. Woodbury, followed by a few more recommendations…

imagining my recent ancestors and other kin using the traces they left behind

tell me more…

RELICS: Paperback $44 (I didn’t set the price!) Released Sept 2023

tell me more…

I shall pass this way but once: a personal memoir on line only (FREE)

Other authors currently published on line by DamnYankee.com:

Recommended by (but not published by) DamnYankee.com:

Note: For books published by DamnYankee, paperback and Kindle edition prices are both set within pennies of Amazon’s lowest allowed. (In spite of Amazon’s suggestion to end every price with a ‘9’ we move it to the next whole or half dollar.)